S02E11 - Planet - Net-zero - here we come: The ’all-inclusive’ solution for GHG emission management: measuring, reporting, reducing (Transcript - edited)
See podcast summary
S02E10 - The perfect storm: Skills, competencies and training mgmt in the age of AI and Decarbonisation (Transcript - unedited)
See podcast summary
S02E09 - Planet - Net zero by 2030? Moon shot or piece of moon cake? (Transcript)
S02E08 - Profit - Giving visions an eye exam or the DIY of visioning (Transcript)
S02E07 - Profit - Play a kind of TETRIS® with your business or: digitally defragment your value chain to push customer satisfaction, revenue, margins, and speed to new heights
S02E05 - GHG - Game theory (Transcript)
It all begins with an idea.
S02E04 - Tips - Surviving and thriving the first 90 days (Transcript)
S02E03 GHG - The last business card you ever need (Transcript)
It all begins with an idea.
S02E02 - D&I or simply human (Transcript)
It all begins with an idea.
S02E01 - Do we need a Procurement function and why? (Cleaned Transcript)
It all begins with an idea.
S02E00 - Introduction (Cleaned transcript)
It all begins with an idea.